
Key Turning Detector


There have been many times when I walk to my car and forget whether I locked the door. This device solves that problem by using a gyroscope to detect when a door has been locked. Once detected, a light turns on, allowing the user to quickly check from their car and confirm that the door is secured.

First Prototype


The initial approach involved manually coding specific gyroscope angles that could indicate a key turn. However, this proved challenging due to the wide variation in how a key can be turned, making it difficult to develop a single method that accounted for all possibilities. The next approach used machine learning, trained on recorded key turns, to improve detection.

Training Data

First Pass Training Results

  • True Positives (25): Correctly detected key turns. ✅
  • True Negatives (38): Correctly identified no turn events. ✅
  • False Positives (1): One incorrect key turn detection. ❌
  • False Negatives (5): Five missed key turns. ❌

Product Design

In Progress

PCB Design

In Progress


In Progress